Selling a home

Buying a new home Should You Offer Financial Concessions when Selling? Should You Offer Financial Concessions when Selling? When selling your home, at some point the question of financial concessions will arise. These may be credits for closing costs, repairs, or upgrades and these incentives may improve your ability to sell the home, especially if the home is not in turn-key condition. Yet these do reduce […]
Home Care Tips How to Spot Roof Issues Before it’s too Late How to Spot Roof Issues Before it’s too Late Your roof is one of the most essential elements of your home. It guards you, your family, and your home from wind, water, and other harsh conditions. However, it is also part of the home that is often overlooked until it’s too late. Detecting roof damage […]
Selling a home Strategies for Selling a Home with Difficult Tenants Strategies for Selling a Home with Difficult Tenants Selling a home can be challenging in any circumstances. Add a difficult tenant to the mix and it becomes even more complex. While it would be nice to simply ask the tenant to leave, if there is a valid lease in place, this may not be possible. […]
Home Care Tips Spruce Up Your Backyard by Adding Interesting Features and Spaces Spruce Up Your Backyard by Adding Interesting Features and Spaces With the warmer weather on the horizon, it is natural to turn your attention to the backyard. The backyard has become central to the modern lifestyle and a functioning extension of the home. If you’ve been staring longingly at the latest home magazine display of […]
Selling a home 5 Things You May Not Know As A First Time Seller First-Time Sellers – 5 Things You May Not Know Selling your first home is an exciting journey that comes with its unique set of challenges and learning curves. Even if you feel well-prepared and have partnered with a skilled real estate professional, there are several aspects of the home-selling process that might surprise you. Here […]
Buying a new home Ask the Right Questions: Tips for Getting Moving Quotes Ask the Right Questions: Tips for Getting Moving Quotes Buying and selling a home can be stressful. Once you’re ready to move, the relief can leave you vulnerable to scams. Frankly, you’re so happy to be “done” that you can overlook red flags in your excitement. To protect your belongings and avoid extra costs or […]
Selling a home Housing Market Update – Finally Seeing an Upward Trend Housing Market Update – Finally Seeing an Upward Trend After over a year of slower sales activity in the local housing market, we are finally starting to see some encouraging signs of a rebound. Based on the latest data, the number of pending sales and recently closed transactions is ticking upwards compared to the same […]
Selling a home Selling to Gen Z Buyers Selling to Gen Z buyers If you intend to upgrade your entry-level home, or you’re an investor seeking to divest a cheaper property, you’ll likely have to deal with the Gen Z buyers as they start to filter into the real estate market. The Gen Z cohort, which follows the much-discussed Millennials, were born between […]
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